Find new flavors, using different combinations of basic ingredients.
Flexibility, creativity and teamwork are the words that lead us to success.
Our R&D activity is focused on developing solutions for both consumers and customers. Our constant research to improve existing products and design new ones assures the high quality we offer our customers. Close cooperation with customers and suppliers & constant monitoring of technological evolution and market trends ensure the best results.
Our facilities include a fully equipped laboratory for the analysis and evaluation of the products.
These tests, accompanied by customer field tests wherever necessary, ensure smoother production runs.

Specific nutritional requirements – such as low calories, sugar, salt or some other ingredient, or a certain amount of good stuff – fibre, protein, vitamins etc.
Making improvements to shelf life.
Reduction in cost of final product.
Free from foods - Gluten Free, Dairy free, diet foods and fat replacers.
Technical process improvements and efficiencies.
Calibrating and utilizing new equipment and technologies.
Packaging variety
There are many types of design and materials that we can use in order to choose the best packaging for our products.
Learn more about the type of materials.